5. Operators And Expressions
Operators ::
Statment vs Expression
example :
int totalMarks = a +b +c ;
//is a statement , while a+b+c is expression ;
//statements may contains expression ;
//expression have a value or a result
//a+b+c > 30 is a boolean expression , returns a boolean value
//the '>' is a kind of operators , and (a+b+c) and 30 are called Operands
//depending on operands operator's functionality changes like Overloaded functions
//we have operator Overloading example '<<' is a overloaded operator
//Operator working between two operands is binary operator
//Operator working with only one Operands is unary operator
ArithMatic Operator
'+' ,'-' ,'*' ,'/' ,'%'
Increment Decrement Operator
a = a + 1 ; // is replaced by a++ or ++a
so ,
'++a', // means : before next semicolon use value of a as it is a+1 and after semicolon increment a by 1
'a++', // means : before next semicolon use value of a as it is a and after semicolon increment a by 1
//depending on operands operator's functionality changes like Overloaded functions
//we have operator Overloading example '<<' is a overloaded operator
//Operator working between two operands is binary operator
//Operator working with only one Operands is unary operator
ArithMatic Operator
'+' ,'-' ,'*' ,'/' ,'%'
Increment Decrement Operator
a = a + 1 ; // is replaced by a++ or ++a
so ,
'++a', // means : before next semicolon use value of a as it is a+1 and after semicolon increment a by 1
'a++', // means : before next semicolon use value of a as it is a and after semicolon increment a by 1
'--a' , // means : before next semicolon use value of a as it is a -1 and after semicolon decrement a by 1
'a--' // means : before next semicolon use value of a as it is a and after semicolon decrement a by 1
'a--' // means : before next semicolon use value of a as it is a and after semicolon decrement a by 1
Compound Assignment Operator
// '=' is assignment operator
// '==' is a comparison opertor
// '=' is assignment operator
// '==' is a comparison opertor
a = a+b; // statement can be written to ' a+= b'
a = a * b >>>> ' a*= b'
a = a - b >>>> ' a-=b'
a = a/b >>>>> ' a /=b'
these are called compound assignment operators
'+=' , '-=' , '*=' , '/=' , '%='
a = a * b >>>> ' a*= b'
a = a - b >>>> ' a-=b'
a = a/b >>>>> ' a /=b'
these are called compound assignment operators
'+=' , '-=' , '*=' , '/=' , '%='
Relational Operator
// put relation , generally have boolean value , these all are comparison Operators
'==' , '!=', '>' , '<' , '>=', '<='
'==' , '!=', '>' , '<' , '>=', '<='
Logical Operators
// like and , or , provides logic operation between boolean data (generally boolean )
'&&' , '||' , '!'
&& : and
|| : or
! : not // example if( !isRainy )
// like and , or , provides logic operation between boolean data (generally boolean )
'&&' , '||' , '!'
&& : and
|| : or
! : not // example if( !isRainy )
// mechanism ( short-circuting in case of logical operators )
// if( expression1 && ..... ) if expression1 is false then compiler don't evaluate further expression
// if( expression1 || ex... ) if expression1 is true then compiler don't bother to evaluate further
// if( expression1 || ex... ) if expression1 is true then compiler don't bother to evaluate further
&,| ,^ ,~ : and , or ,xor and not respectively
a&b if we convert a and b to binary and just do logical operation between each bits then the final number comes out will be the result of the bitwise operation
// even numbers with 1 always give 0 with bitwise operator
&,| ,^ ,~ : and , or ,xor and not respectively
a&b if we convert a and b to binary and just do logical operation between each bits then the final number comes out will be the result of the bitwise operation
// even numbers with 1 always give 0 with bitwise operator
int main() {
int n;
cin >> n;
if( n& 1) cout << "Odd" <<endl; // and
else cout<<"even" << endl;
cout<< ( 2|5 ) <<endl; // or
cout<< ( 5^7) <<endl; // xor
cout<< ( ~0 ) << endl; // not output : -1
cout<< ( ~1 ) << endl ; // not output : -2
return 0;
Left and Right shift operators
>>, << etc
right shift >>
a>> b : means right shift of bits of number a and inserting 0's from left and remove b bits from right
// right shift by 1 means division by 2
// right shift by 2 means division by 4
// a >> b is equivalent to a/( 2^b)
// left shift works just opposite
Other Operators
// sizeof(int)
// x%2==0 ? cout<<"even" : cout<<"odd";
// dot operator (.)
// arrow operator (->)
// printing <<
// reading >>
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