6. Pointer and Adress
Address of Operator
// except character and string
// other datatype 's address can be directly accessed by &
for example
int main() {
int x =10 ;
cout << (&x) << endl; // memory address of x
cout << (&x) +1 << endl; // memory address of x + 4 bits ahead
float z = 5.5 ;
cout << &z << endl ;
char y = 'A';
cout<< &y << endl; // output : A
cout<< (void *)&y <<endl; // output : address of y
cout<< (void *)&y <<endl; // output : address of y
// generally have storage of hexadecimal type with 11 bits 10 bits of storage and one for sign
are the datatype used to store addresses of variables and data
int x =5; // stores 5 in x
int* Xptr = &x; // storing address of x in Xptr
cout << "Xptr : " << Xptr << endl;
cout << "X : " << x <<endl :
cout << "address of x " << &x
float z = 5.5 ;
float* Zptr = &z;
cout<< "Zptr :: " << Zptr <<endl;
cout<< "address of z" << &z <<endl;
// generally have storage of hexadecimal type with 11 bits 10 bits of storage and one for sign
are the datatype used to store addresses of variables and data
int x =5; // stores 5 in x
int* Xptr = &x; // storing address of x in Xptr
cout << "Xptr : " << Xptr << endl;
cout << "X : " << x <<endl :
cout << "address of x " << &x
float z = 5.5 ;
float* Zptr = &z;
cout<< "Zptr :: " << Zptr <<endl;
cout<< "address of z" << &z <<endl;
De-Reference Operator
for getting value stored in the pointer's address memory
// * operator
//There are three uses of datatype
// first is multiplication, the second is the declaration of a pointer variable, the third one is dereferencing
int x = 5;
int* Xptr = &x ;
for getting value stored in the pointer's address memory
// * operator
//There are three uses of datatype
// first is multiplication, the second is the declaration of a pointer variable, the third one is dereferencing
int x = 5;
int* Xptr = &x ;
cout << " x is : " << x<<endl;
cout << " x is : " << *Xptr << endl;
cout << " address of x : " << &x <<endl;
cout << " address of x : " << Xptr << endl;
cout << " x is : " << *Xptr << endl;
cout << " address of x : " << &x <<endl;
cout << " address of x : " << Xptr << endl;
Call By Value and Call By Reference
calling a function just by value is called call by value
in call by value the value of a variable is copied to another variable passed to function
calling a function by reference is called call by reference
in call by reference the variable's address is passed hence no new variable is created instead that original variable is manipulated
call by value
void doubleMoney( int money ) { cout<< " your money inside function " << money*2 << endl; }
int main () { doubleMoney( money ) ;
call by reference/ actually address
void doubleMoneyR( int*m) { (*m) = 2*(*m); cout << " your money inside function "<< *m << endl ; }
int main () { doubleMoneyR( &money );
Reference variable
int main() {
int x =10 ;
int &y = x ; // y act as alias to x , // y must be initialized with some variable or value
calling a function just by value is called call by value
in call by value the value of a variable is copied to another variable passed to function
calling a function by reference is called call by reference
in call by reference the variable's address is passed hence no new variable is created instead that original variable is manipulated
call by value
void doubleMoney( int money ) { cout<< " your money inside function " << money*2 << endl; }
int main () { doubleMoney( money ) ;
call by reference/ actually address
void doubleMoneyR( int*m) { (*m) = 2*(*m); cout << " your money inside function "<< *m << endl ; }
int main () { doubleMoneyR( &money );
Reference variable
int main() {
int x =10 ;
int &y = x ; // y act as alias to x , // y must be initialized with some variable or value
// update of y will also update x
Call by Reference better version
void doubleMoney ( int &money ) { money = money*2 ; cout << " your money inside function " << money << endl ; }
int main () {
Call by Reference better version
void doubleMoney ( int &money ) { money = money*2 ; cout << " your money inside function " << money << endl ; }
int main () {
doubleMoney( money );
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