3. Controle Flow (If-Else)

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 1. Control Flow :

    Execution is Top to bottom ;

    review our general code snippet
    #include<bits/stdc++.h> // generally contains almost required header files
    using namespace std;

int main () {
   freopen("input.txt" , "r", stdin );
   freopen("output.txt","r", stdout);
    return 0;

2. Conditional Statements :
    ( use to manipulate flow of control )
if( isSatisfied ) {
    the 'code' stament will execute only if isSatisfied have value of true (1)

Switch case :
    are faster 
than if-else ladder
    in Switch case it directly goes to the case which matches and execute it without checking other statements :

3. Loops :
      int main () {
            while( condition ) {
                code ...
// until the condition is true the code... runs

    2. for
int main () {
            for( initialization stat ; finalize stat/condition ; progress stat ) {
                code ...

    3. do-while
        do {
            code ..
        } . while ( condition )
codes runs first then condition checked , hence at least once code must run
    // do-while is an exit control loop;

    4. For-Each loop
int main () {
            int a[] = {1,2,3,4,5};
            for( auto x:a){
            return 0;
      // for( auto x:a)  // says x is a element in array
      // for runs for them one by one x =1 for first case , so on ..
      // i.e x = a[0] ... x = a[4] ... one by one for each iteration

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