2. Basics Of DataType and Scopes In CPP
1. Variable and DtatTypes
int marks ; // Variable Declare
marks = 10; // assignment
int marks = 10 ; // Initilization or ( declaration and assignment)
#include<iomanip> // for setprecision(int)
int main (){
// Variable Init (Decleration + Assignment)
int marks = 10;
float temp = 28.5;
double pi = 3.14156738;
cout << marks <<endl;
cout << temp << endl; // output : 28.5
cout << pi << endl; // output : 3.14157
cout << fixed << setprecision(8) << pi << endl; // output : 3.14157
// maximum precision of float is upto 6 decimal place
// while double is beyond this
// range for int is -2x10^(9) to + 2x10^(9)
// int is 4bytes ( 32bits )
// float is 4bytes ( 32bits )
// double is 8bytes (32 bits )
char ch = 'P';
cout << ch <<endl; // output : P
//TypeCasting Example
cout << (int)ch <<endl; // output : ascii int value of P (66)
bool isRainy = true ;
cout << isRainy << endl; // 1
bool isSunny = false ;
cout << isRainy <<endl ; // 0
// 1byte is size of bool
// 1byte is size of char
2. Type Modifiers
dataType : Char, Int , double supports modifiers
// Type modifiers : signed , unsigned , long , short
int main (){
// short int is <= int in terms of byte( >= 4bytes )
// long int is >= int in terms of bytes ( >= 4bytes )
// to know size
cout<< sizeof(int) << endl ; // system default size of int
cout << sizeof(long int ) << endl; // system default size of long int
cout << sizeof(char) <<endl ; // system default size of char
int x = INT_MAX ; // gives out the maximum value of int data type in x
// x + 1 will give us int lowest , i.e in int data type value cycles throug the domain
// called WrapAround
// so basically INT_MAX have max int value , while INT_MAX +1 have lowest int value
// signed and unsigned
// out of 32bits or 64bits first bit is reserved for sign of number ( 0 for + and 1 for - )
// unsigned makes a data positive and take use of first bit as a magnitude hence extending the size of data in positive domain
unsigned int x = -5 // error or wrong syntax
3. More Inits
// garbage value
nothing but the random or default value get stored in variable while declaration
// More Inits
int m1 = 10 // init 10 may not be int we can give 10.5 still works fine
int m2{10} // init but {must_integer}
int m3 = {10} // '=' is redundant ( iska kaam hai hi nhi )
// typeCasting
hirrechy of dataType on operation:
example :
int main () {
int phy, chem, maths;
cin >> phy >> chem >> maths;
int noOfSubject = 3;
cout<< (float)(phy + chem + maths)/(noOfSubject) <<endl; // will output a float data
int x = 65 ;
cout << (char)x<<endl; // output : A
char c = 'A';
cout << (int)c <<endl; // output : 65
// auto Keyword
c++11 's update
auto type deduction
int main () {
auto marks = 10;
cout << marks << endl;
// 'auto' is like 'let' or 'var' keyword in js
// which default makes marks as a int
auto c = 'A' ; // means c is a char keyowrd
auto b = true ; // means b is bool type
auto pi = 3.14 ; // means pi is double type
* don't use auto when :
1. you want to show the type clearly to the user
2. we want to explicit about variables range or precision
// constants
// the immutable variables which we want to create once without changing their values
const float pi = 3.14;
cout << pi << endl;
// ALITER by using macro ( less preffered ) ( macro is replacement ways )
#define pi 3.14;
4. Scope Resolution Operator
if defined globally : we call it global operator , with global scope
if defined in block: we call it block operator , with block scope
hirearchy of block operator is , the innermost block 's variable dominates if have same name
for specifically calling global use ::
int x = 20;
int main () {
int x = 10;
cout << "local : "<<x<<endl; //output :local : 10
cout << "global : "<<::x<< endl; //output :global: 20
return 0;
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