1. C++Basics

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Introduction :
C++ is a cross platform programming language
    * Gives programmers a high level control over system resources and memory

HandWrittenCode >> compiler >> binary/meachineCode >> cpuRunsTheCode

Building and Running first code :
    using namespace std;
    int main(){
        cout<< "Hello World"; // display the content in standard output
        return 0; // signifies successful execution of code to compiler

    compilation occure from top to bottom .
    compilation through command line
    g++ filename.cpp               // defaut name of compiled file is a.out
    running a file
    g++ -o programmName filename.cpp

Input and output
By command Line::
    input value  || goes to cin>> x;
    output value|| goes to cout<<x;
    By using Files :
  say we have two file s
        1. input.txt
        2. output.txt

    int main(){
        int x,y;
        freopen("input.txt" , "r", stdin);
        freopen("output.txt" , "r" ,stdout);
        /* Input Output code */
        return 0;

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